
Access Made Easy provides access advice so obligations are met under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

What We Offer

We conduct audits, provide expert based reports and/or performance-based solution reports for access requirements for building approvals. This includes, existing building audits, new commercial builds, upgrades, home renovations, parks, schools etc.

We will discuss with you your obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and help you to understand the positive influence of having a premises that meets universal design principals and is accessible by all, including our elderly.

  • New building Commercial & Residential- Reviewing drawings/plans from Concept to Approval
  • Design consultancy
  • Existing building alterations/modifications and adaptation
  • Home modification Access Plans
  • Recreational Space Reviews
  • Educational Facility Reviews and Access Planning
  1. Economical approach. We will walk through and discuss areas of concern.
  2. Desktop analysis or Walkthrough, basic report and reference to AS1428 suite of Standards
  3. Detailed Audit of site, full report including photos and reference to AS1428 suite of Standards

An acquisition and Pre-Occupancy Risk Analysis is a report of an existing property highlighting and identifying risks under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

A performance solution is a method of complying with a Performance Requirements. Buildings must meet the performance requirements outlined in the NCC/BCA and Access to Premises Standards. When it is determined on any construction project to meet the Performance Requirements via a different route it is referred to as a Performance Solution.

The law explicitly recognises the right of everyone to participate in sport and recreation. It is therefore imperative that equitable access is provided for all people. Access Made Easy can help in reviewing new plans, upgrades to existing facilities or audits of current recreational, park facilities.

As the number of people living with disabilities grows in Australia the need for more specialised living arrangements is becoming more apparent. Access Made Easy will work together with architects, draftsmen, builders or owners to talk through the requirements of individuals.

By providing a high level of advice, solutions and friendly interaction you will think you are part of our family rather than just a client.

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